I decided this year that I want to focus on a few food crafts that compliment each other, in hopes that when the need arises I am able to present a substantial gift.
Sometimes the offering of a homemade loaf of bread is just odd and lacking, whereas a basket of bread, homemade goat cheese and a jam might sound the right note. It depends on the occasion and the recipient.
Bread baking is pretty routine for me by now. Cheese making is a relative newcomer, and I think I've got the Chevre down. (This is toasted Finnish Rye bread with my Chevre and a dark honey).
Canning, however, is a craft I practiced years ago, and am now trying again. This is a Honey Lemon Apple Jam from Food in Jars. I appreciate the small batch production aspect to this book, especially as I am reacquainting myself with preserving.
I thought I'd share my January efforts with you. I'm thinking about a grapefruit jam for February and attempting mozzarella for the fourth time, determined as I am to figure out why it's not working for me.
Am smitten with the simplicity and simultaneous complexity of your process. I thought it more appropriate to type "post," though chose process. I know that baking bread, making cheese and preserving fruit are not, even in totality, events. Your January efforts are processes of transformation at the most sublime level. Bravo!