Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Our Summer List

Summer vacation is here and it has swept in with its invisible foe, mother conflict.  The issue being, it's great having fun, but how do I get everything done?

Deep down, though, I'm glad to have this time with my girl.  I'm the same mother I was when she was two, when all her toddler friends and neighbors were off at "preschool", and we were waiting until she was three.  I was so glad we had another full year together.

Now, many of her classmates spend most of the Summer at sleep-away camp.  Some go to day camp the length of a school day.  O. chooses a variety of week-long camps that are held in the mornings, leaving our afternoons free together.

This week is fully schedule free.  That first blissful week of Summer...

Yesterday we made our Summer list.  Tucked away, I have my own list that involves tasks and creative endeavors related just to me.  That's were the mother conflict hangs out.

O. and I made one list together, taking turns adding fun things to do.  We'll share it here with you, in case you are looking for some inspiration of how to while away those hot and hazy, lazy days.

Summer 2012

Make ice cream
Go to Justice to use birthday gift card
Make smoothies
Go to Down to Earth Kids with birthday money
Go to an outdoor movie
Go to an indoor movie
Go to an outdoor concert
Play tennis
Spend a day in Town
Go to Michael's
Go to Chanticleer
Go Kayaking
Have a party picnic at pool
Have friends over for dinner
Hike with dogs
Go to New York City
Go to Gechee Girl Cafe for Fried Chicken Wednesdays

 We didn't waste any time yesterday and got started with a walk from the box.  We picked number 30, Mount Airy, which is the closest to us.  This kitty greeted us at our first stop on the walk. 

Happy Summer!  May yours have no conflict lurking on any list you make.  

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