Thursday, April 25, 2013

Harry And Charlie Wag The Wissahickon: Hikes Four And Five

I've combined the last two hikes as the fourth was short and served the purpose of finishing a segment on one side of a road.  Rain threatened that afternoon and I didn't stop much to photograph.

Yesterday, a perfect spring afternoon, we were out for two hours and managed to scamper in elevation and yet not cover much distance in length.  We spent a good deal of time on the wrong trails leading in the right direction and eventually made it onto the trail I wanted going in the wrong direction!

On the way back, I looked down to notice a fallen tree with a white trail blaze on it.  No wonder I couldn't figure out what happened to the white trail. 

We were hot and tired by the time we returned to the car, and I have to admit I was a bit relieved to see my blue Honda waiting by the side of the road.

Details of Hikes #4 & #5

Trail: Orange (Hike #4), White (Hike #5)
Route: Orange: Hortter Street to Rittenhouse Town and return; White: Livezey to Monastery Stables and return.
Miles: Orange: 2 miles, White: 2 miles.
Number of dogs encountered: 3 total.
Number of horses encountered: 1.
What Harry and Charlie ate and drank:  Creek and runoff water.
What Clarice ate and drank: Nothing, but thought about a tall glass of fresh lemonade.
Harry and Charlie's most exciting moment: Running up the many steep steps to the Fingerspan Bridge ( a section I meant to avoid because of the trouble stated below).
Trouble: Even on leash, Harry wouldn't cross the Fingerspan Bridge (a steel, grated structure).  We had to turn around and climb up the embankment to search for that darn white trail I still couldn't find.  This was my second attempt to cross that bridge with him.
Lost Items: The White Trail.

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